It was over a year ago, when Emily and I, on one of our first ventures with Conductive Music, went to Elephand&Castle (South London), to present the embryo of our project. We delivered to a very enthusiastic mixed group, ranging from curious 8 year olds, to parents, tinkerer, experts.
We opened our workshop there, at the first edition in London, and have never been happier to be #Makers. What are Makers? Here’s a great explanation…
This year, we will be back, showcasing some of the most interesting instruments and findings from our Japan tour.
We have been lucky enough to be awarded an Artist International Development Fund, from the Arts Council, in partnership with the British Council.
We called the project Ritual and proposed a cross-disciplinary collaboration based on interactive musical instruments. But not just any instruments. Based on conductivity, they will combine augmented objects (MakeyMakey), wearable digital clothing (Flora), and motion tracking (Leap Motion). In performance, these will become interactive platforms for artistically exploring rhythms of life in agrarian societies.
As a result, we managed to organize a two-week tour, hosted by composer Makoto Nomura, including collaborative performances with Japanese artists. We will work with traditional musicians, kawara musicians (Japanese music made from tiles), choreographers, lecturers from Tokyo University of the Arts and Gifu University and more traditional venues, like Nagara-no-zaza or the Awajishima Community Art Centre.There will be more information to come, as we prepare for this tour, but it is already difficult to contain the excitement!