We created Conductive Music CIC to contribute to a series of issues across Education, Music Technology and Engineering. All of the data we collect – online feedback forms, interviews with students, staff and practitioners and autobiographical reflections – is analysed through quantitative and qualitative methods, leading to a number of academic peer reviewed and specialist publications.
We strive to publish all our findings open access. Should you wish to quote our work, please consult the various articles and consider that all the material is protected by: a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
The issues we are investigating at the moment are:
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) to STEAM (add Arts); How to encourage more girls into STEAM careers; How to boost the engagement of youth from challenging backgrounds; Integration of Open Source (F/OSS) into school activities; Discreet, continuous and homemade sensors to contribute to Tangible Computing.
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Peer Reviewed Publications
Engaging youth from challenging backgrounds through music, electronics, and free and open source technology. Digital Research in the Humanities and the Arts - Dublin, Early 2015, peer review pending
Teaching Innovative Interface Design and Composition Techniques with Open-Source Hardware. New Interfaces for Musical Expression - London, February 2014
CONDUCTIVE MUSIC: building DIY drum synths, drawing digital music notation, and designing for urban youth. Re: New - Copenhagen, February 2014
We have also authored
How to Makey Makey it in Music Technology. Applaud Interactive, June 2015.
Conductive Music. Music Mark, April 2014.
That Kit Suits You. Digital Drummer Magazine, February 2014.
Big performance from small kits. Digital Drummer Magazine, February 2013.
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Academic Conferences
Sines and Squares, The University of Manchester (2016), Manchester
Creative Humanities: Thinking, Making and Meaning, AHRC, (2016), Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester
Music, Technology and Education - Society for Education, Music and Psychology Research (2016), Senate House, London
Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts (2015), Dublin
SoniHED - Sonification (2014), University of York - Performer, coll. With NASA, Stockholm Environmental Inst. & Space F!ght
New Interfaces for Musical Expression (2014), Goldsmiths College – Poster presentation. Published in Proceedings
International Festival for Artistic Innovation (2014), Leeds College of Music - speaker and performer with NonClassical.
International Digital Arts Festival (2014), Kingston University - speaker and performer.
Re:New (2013), Copenhagen - speaker and performer. Published in Conference Proceedings
InTime (2013), Coventry University - speaker and performer
London Mini Maker Faire (2013) - workshop leader and performer.
Big Ears Conference - (Active Participant, AHRC bursarist in 2012, Curator in 2013, HEA funding). Second Composer/Performer’s Athens Conference (2011) - performer and speaker .
State of the Arts 2012 (Salford), Arts Council of England’s Artist Bursarists.