Good afternoon everybody!!!
Well done for completing the second week of the course, we had a lot of fun and we hope you had it too. We thought we’d show you some more cool videos (like those that Mr Jack showed you), to see what other people have built, with similar technology.
Below, you will find the videos and a few questions. Could you write a blog post?
1 – Go to:
2 – Log in with your first name and cmshine as password
3 – Create your post by answering the questions
4 – Don’t forget to tag your name ;)!
5 – Publish it
1. The first video is about a musical instrument that uses tomatoes done by Kevin Zhou. Have a look a the part of the video at 0:00-1:30.
2. Answer the following questions about the video:
a. What is the instrument presented by Kevin like?
b. What parts did he used to build the instrument?
c. Why do you think the tomatoes can be used to produce sound (remember the Makey Makey of week 1)?
3. The second video is about a musical instrument that uses plants made by Mileece. Pay attention to the part of the video between at 1:45-3:00.
4. Answer the following questions about the video:
a. What are bio-emissions?
b. How is Mileece using bio-emissions of plants to produce sounds?
c. Can you think of other living beings that could have bio-emissions?