[heading size=”1″ color=”#80D6F9″]Welcome Back!!![/heading]
We hope you enjoyed the last session – your Quirkbot has missed you! If you remember, last time we looked at using the Quirkbot as a controller to play some maths games. Then, we started to look at using the Quirkbot as an instrument. We’ll introduce today’s session in just a minute, but to get your brain in gear, why not try Scratch the Cat’s times tables game – can you stop the mouse from getting into the hole?
[heading size=”1″ color=”#80D6F9″]Sound[/heading]
Today’s session will be dedicated to the exploration of the world of sound. We will discover how the Christmas cards work, we will be able to build one, and save our own code. Afterwards, we will also re-program the Quirkbot, so we will be able to create some exciting music, using a different website. Let’s get started!!
[heading size=”1″ color=”#80D6F9″]The Piezo[/heading]
A piezo is an interesting sensor. If you look closely at it, the shiny disk is made of copper, and it’s connected to the black cable (the negative part of the circuit). The smaller disk, instead, is made of ceramic and connects to the red cable (the positive part of the circuit). When electricity goes through, it vibrates, and makes a sound. Here’s a picture.
Now, let’s get making!
[heading size=”1″ color=”#80D6F9″]A fixed note[/heading]
Go to the quirkbot code and drag the ‘Buzzer’ in. Pick a note at random (perhaps C4??) and, for place, put BP1 – it means, BackPack 1. Upload. Here’s a picture, just in case.
Now take the piezo sensor and look at the black box on your Quirkbot. Connect the red cable to the top left, the black cable to the second from top on the right. You should here a sound!!!
You may have to adjust the cables, a little bit, until you get the good connection, for an even sound.
[button style=”medium” type=”rounded” color=”#COLOR_CODE” background=”#COLOR_CODE” src=”http://www.conductivemusic.uk/shine2a” target=”_blank”]LET’S COMPOSE!![/button]